Top 5 Solutions to Repair Corrupt PowerPoint File

PowerPoint is a very well know tool that comes as a part of MS Office suite. Often people use it to create presentations for different purposes. Generally, PowerPoint files are larger in size and have a complicated file structure due to which they are prone to corruption. It takes a lot of efforts and hard work to create a PowerPoint presentation in MS PowerPoint, but due to corruption it could be useless.

Like every other computer file, PowerPoint presentations can corrupt or also become inaccessible at any time. When a corrupt PPT file starts sending you error messages while opening, it is an indication of corruption, which could be major or minor. Let's check out some common solutions that you can perform on your corrupt PPT files in order to repair them or to retrieve the content.

Solution 1
You can simply move the corrupt PowerPoint to a different location. This is a very simple and useful way to troubleshoot your corrupt PPT file and remove its problems. You can also do it by copy and paste the presentation file on an another hard disk.

Solution 2
In case the above mentioned solution has not resolved your problem, then you can try to open the PPT file in MS word format. Follow the below mentioned steps to do it:

  • Open MS Word document.
  • Go to the File menu and click on Open button.
  • Choose files of type box and navigate to your corrupt file, Open it.
Solution 3
You can also try to open your PowePoint file in Safe Mode. To open your PPT file in safe mode, first you need to run PowerPoint in safe mode. Steps to open a PowerPoint application in safe mode.

  1. Go to Start button.
  2. Choose Run & type 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\MS office version\Powerpnt.exe" /safe'.
  3. Click on OK button.
  4. Now, restart your system in safe mode. To do this run your Windows by holding F8 button.
  5. Open and check your presentation.

Solution 4
Follow the below mentioned steps:

Steps to repair PowerPoint 2010 / 2007

1.      Open a fresh presentation in MS PowerPoint.
2.      Save the presentation.
3.      Now, go to Home tab.
4.      Go to Slide and select Reuse Slides from the drop-down.
5.      Select the Browse button and select a file by selecting Browse File.
6.      select your original PowerPoint file and Open it.
7.      Now, go to Reuse Slides panel, select the Keep source formatting check box.
8.      Right click the first slide in the Reuse Slides panel and choose Insert All Slides.
9.      Save the new presentation and run it again.

Steps to repair PowerPoint 2003 or earlier

1.    Open a fresh PPT file.
2.    Select Slides from Files from the Insert menu,.
3.    Now, browse to your original PowerPoint file from the Slide Finder dialog box.
4.    Choose the Keep source formatting check box.
5.    Select Insert All.
6.    Save your presentation and run it again.

In case the above mentioned method is doesn't work for you, then you can also try the following steps:

1.    Run the PowerPoint file in question
2.    Now, go to File > Save As and choose the type of Web Page (.htm, .html).
3.    Save the file in the same location as your file.
4.    Close PowerPoint.
5.    Now, run the html file in PowerPoint.
6.    Again, go to File > Save As and chose the file type Presentation (.ppt). click Yes, when prompted, it is to overwriting your previous file.
7.    Close it, and run again.

Solution 5

In case none of the above mentioned processes have failed to fix your corrupted presentation, then the only option you are left with is professional utility. Third party tool is the most reliable and recommended way to repair even a deeply corrupt PPT file. There are various PowerPoint repair software available, you just need to choose one and perform recovery process.


  1. woww!! These are very easy solutions to repair corrupt powerpoint file.

  2. Thanks a lot!! You can read more articles on the different categories.


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