How to fix Zip File Error: “unexpected end of archive winrar”

I've recently discovered a new problem with my Winrar. Whenever I try to download Zip file, it states following error message:

I thought that the error occurs because zip file is not fully download as the download starts and then immediately ends and gives me the 'unexpected end of archive' error message. then I again try to download same Zip file. Again it states same error message.

What is this error mean?

The Zip File error "Unexpected end of archive", means that the file is not completed download or Zip File is get corrupted. Winrar has inbuilt function to repair corrupt Zip file. Here are the steps:

Recovery Steps: 

1. Open WinRAR, Select the file>>Tools>>click the Repair button. The program will now attempt a repair.

2. If your archive file has ZIP extension then select “Treat the corrupt archive as ZIP ” otherwise choose “Treat the corrupt archive as RAR” option. Click OK.

3. If the program shows that the recovery record found on Winrar GUI then you have a high probability to successfully repaired RAR file. As clearly shown in the figure.

4. After completing the repairing process,  click on Close button.

5. To extract your ZIP file, highlight your new rebuilt archive.
Commands>Extract without confirmation

6. Now The files will start extracting.

7. The archived files will be extracted to the same folder as the repaired archive.

In case the error does not resolve by above step that can be happen due to CRC errors. This error can occur at the end of extraction process then you can repair your corrupted ZIP file by using Third Party Zip Recovery Software.

Hope this article will help you to resolve 'unexpected end of archive winrar' error.


  1. Me too... Thank you for sharing

  2. Thank you so much! I've tried to download a humble bundle game 3 times and each time it gave me that error, finally i came across this, never knew WinRar had a repair function :P

  3. Good Work.. Thanks for help.

  4. I now it's suppose to work....but it didn't for me...what do I do?

  5. Thank You so much for posting it here....

  6. Still doesn't work.. Please Help!

  7. yeah but,the download didt finish so i dont have all the files....


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