How to fix "format error: not a PDF or corrupted"

Two days back, I have received an email with PDF file attachment. When I tried to open PDF file, it shows an error message which says:  "format error: not a PDF or corrupted"
I was surprised to see such error message and thought hope it was not a virus file as attached PDF. Immediately I have called to my friend who is expert in handling PDF file error matters. My friend suggested me it may not be virus file. It could be possible that PDF file got corrupted so he suggested me to open PDF file in foxit PDF reader which is an alternative of adobe reader then I install the foxit pdf reader, & try to open "corrupt" pdf files. 

When I tried to open it in foxit reader, again it shows same error message. 

There is a chance that the problem was caused by the latest update of Foxit Reader then I  uninstalled Foxit Reader and then reinstalled but the error still remain same.
As the error message indicates that the PDF file get corrupted that is why I decided to download again another copy of PDF file, but when I opened it, same problem occurred. 
After doing lots of research I found that the error message can be occur due to three reasons:

1. either by the network
2. Browser Issue
3. by the corrupted file itself. 

To resolve this issue, Try to download the file with a better network.

I recommend you to first clear your browser's cache and temporary internet files to make sure that they are not causing your issue. If this is not resolve the issue, please use different browser.

Corrupted PDF file could be a result that you did not complete download the whole PDF file or you have downloaded a corrupted PDF file. The best solution is to downloaded another PDF file or try repairing the installed PDF by going to start – control panel – add/ remove programs – on the PDF file right click and select change this will repair the PDF file.

In case if nothing works then you should use advance PDF Repair Software. These software repairs corrupt PDF files after all corruption errors

Hope these solution will help you to resolve this error!!!   


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