Repair Corrupt Excel File to Save at Network Location

You may have faced an error message while saving your Excel workbook that says MS Excel cannot access the location where you are trying to save the file. In this case, the file is not saved and it leads to a pure case of data loss. If you have updated data backup then you can recover lost data very easily. However, in the absence of proper updated backup, you can still retrieve data of the Excel workbook with the excel repair software.

Consider a scenario where you have an Excel workbook to be saved to a network location. While the book is cut paste in the desired location on a network, you have an error message that says:

"Microsoft Excel cannot access the file 'Network path'”. You may receive this error message for the following reasons:

The file name or path does not exist.
The file you are trying to open is being used by another program. Close the document in another program and try again.
The name of the book is trying to save is the same as the name of another document that is read-only. Try saving the workbook with a different name. "

When it came to save the workbook in another place, he received another error message which reads as follows:

"Document not saved"

Receive the above error messages when you performed the following activities:

Saving files to a network drive and connection to the network drive is lost
Your workbook contains some of the PivotTable, Visual Basic for Applications module or embedded objects such as clip art.

To resolve the problem discussed in the previous text, add PivotTableNetworkResiliency and NetworkResiliency subkeys in the registry by performing the following steps:

Click 'Start' to 'Run'
Go to the "open box" and click 'OK'
Expend items on the left panel and click on the folder 'Options'
Go to 'Edit' and 'DWORD Value', click on the "New" option
Type "NetworkResiliency 'and press ENTER
Double-click the icon that says "NetworkResiliency '
Go to the box "Value data" and type '1 '
Click 'OK'

However, even after performing the above steps, you can still get the error messages and that problem can still exist. In this scenario, you need to use excel recovery software to repair corrupt excel file.
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