How to Solve CRC Error of Corrupt BKF File
Image by craig1black via Flickr To avoid above situation, we suggest you to make a habit of keep a backup of the data which you need frequently. Now, it's almost a blessing that the Windows NT (Server 2003, XP, Server 2000) users have inbuilt option i.e. NTBackup. This utility enables them to backup their valuable data on a regular basis as BKF files. That said, you should take precautions to safeguard the BKF files and otherwise these files can also get corrupt. These files can get corrupt due to various reasons, such as human error, virus infections, interruptions while backing up, power surges, corrupt system files, etc. To repair these files, you must use the methods appropriate. However, if you are unable to resolve the situation to use a third party BKF repair tool. Consider a scenario NTBackup utility stored BKF files on network get corrupt. Cause: CRC error is root cause of BKF files get corrupt. The CRC error is an error-checking method in data tra...