Miracle of IFERROR Function in MS Excel
In this blog, I am going to share my knowledge on iferror() function. Let’s take an example to understand in a better way. iferror() Function It is one of the most useful logical function of MS Excel which worked on logical values (True and false). It checks the initial expression and returns an error or we can say returns the second argument. It comes under top 10 formulas of MS Excel. This function is not available on earlier versions of MS Excel 2007. The basic syntax of this function is: IFERROR(value, “value_if_error”) Where : value : Expression for testing. Value_if_error : Error value returned by the function. It evaluated the following error types: #N/A, #VALUE!, #REF!, #DIV/0!, #NUM!, #NAME?, or #NULL!. Important Notes: For empty value, it will be an empty string (“”) not an error. If user won’t write any message in value_if_error string (“”) then, no error message will be displayed. We have numbers here, Numerators and Denominators. In the last row,...