Easily Repairs Corrupt Excel File
Excel file repair is a very hot topic. What do you do if your very important excel file has been corrupt or damaged that was saved as xls or xlsx file? You don’t have backup of that important file, which you should have or backup has been lost/corrupt too. How do you re-gain the data of Excel file? In this article I will try to list all the possible solution to fix this unpleasant task. Don’t worry! It can happen with anyone. I will share 5 methods for recovery of data from corrupt or damaged excel file. Success is not guarantee, you may loss the formatting. But I will guarantee that you will be able to save the text data after performing any of the methods. There are five main reasons for Excel file corruption and the reasons are: Faulty Hardware: In a research, it has been found that 92% of Excel file corrupt occur due to hardware problem. Hardware problem can be overheating, device conflict, faulty component etc. If you found any of the above problems ...